Is a PDF Useful for SEO Strategy?

pdf for search engines

Stop just giving away PDF’s – There is a better strategy If you’re currently uploading PDFs to your website, it’s time to reconsider this practice. While Google may index PDFs and display them in search results, there are several drawbacks to relying on them for SEO purposes. Limited Optimization: PDFs aren’t as easily optimized as … Read more

Debunking the Myth of Toxic Backlinks

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Understanding Google’s Evolution When people talk about toxic links, they are describing backlinks from other websites to pages on your website that have a negative effect on your rankings. In reality, this isn’t really a thing anymore and here is why. There was once a time when links were the ultimate currency of SEO. Every … Read more

Using Answer The Public for Sales People

free content ideas

Here is a free content idea tool The marketing community has had a favorite online tool called Answer The Public. While this is a paid service, they do provide a free use and that is the feature I would like to focus on here. Sales people who work for agencies do not always have easy … Read more

Free Rank Checker for Agency Salespeople

creating sales presentation

Serp robot is a quick and easy SEO tool for checking results If you are a salesperson in a digital agency, you don’t always have access to the multiple tools that your entire marketing team has. What I’d like to show you today is a free SERP checker. SERPROBOT provides a free tool that immediately … Read more

How Many Requests Does HARO Send Out?

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A quick case study on HARO reporter requests Each weekday, HARO publishes 3 emails with requests from journalists and content creators from numerous publications. For those of us that are looking to be sources for these reporters, we wait with anticipation for these editions (this is how they label them) that go out every morning, … Read more

How To Use Keywords For SEO

scrabble tiles keywords

Just what are they and how do they get used If there is one term that gets thrown around more than any other in marketing it is the term keyword. The improper usage in everyday discussion will often cause me to grit my teeth. I do not fault people who genuinely do not know what … Read more

How to Delete Website from Google Search Results

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Over time you will find a need to remove a URL on your website from Google’s search results. It can be for any number of reasons. But most often times it is because you accidentally indexed content that belonged behind a paywall. Or maybe a website has been hacked and numerous, useless URL’s have been … Read more

SEO Tools Every That Are Free

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Just like any industry trade, marketing departments and agencies need tools. Luckily there is a wide variety to choose from online. Some SEO professionals have paid tools and often aren’t even sure why. Over the years we try them and collect them and once in a while review the company credit card and try to … Read more

What Is Backlink Building?

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How To Increase Authority For Your Website Since search engines cannot determine on their own what a useful or quality search result is, they rely heavily on factors in addition to the actual written content on pages. While they crawl every page on the web that they can discover, they also find it useful to … Read more

How to Learn SEO Marketing

multiple marketing channels

Can I learn SEO on my own? If you are starting out and want a job in marketing, or have a small business and need to have a better understanding of how search engines work, then you should know that hands on practice is the easiest way to learn SEO. With the continually changing state … Read more

How to Maintain Google Rankings When Changing Your Name

multiple marketing channels

Whether a company gains a new partner or feels the need to rebrand themselves, many businesses from time to time choose to change their name and/or the domain of their website. While updating your website, marketing materials, and even the sign on your building can often be top of mind, some details for digital marketing … Read more