Raleigh Social Media Marketing

Creative and Effective

Many small businesses struggle to keep up with their online marketing and social media is no exception. Numerous social media platforms, creative posts and tracking results can become overwhelming. The smaller your company the fewer resources you likely have available to manage it all.

Facebook Management

Most organizations are usually just in need of someone to manage their Facebook page along with their other online profiles.

It is not that these activities are not important, it is just they are not usually top of mind for most business owners. Re-familiarizing yourself with the dashboard and any changes that may have occurred in the last week or month, usually becomes a hassle. Keeping up with posts for important dates, holiday notices and more can become tedious. Sometimes it is just easier to find someone for a few hours a month to take care of all of this for you.

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Social Media Advertising Agency

There are certain industries that do well with specific social media marketing strategies. Restaurants can drive business during normally slow periods of the day or week. Shopping centers can skillfully promote their retailers and build brand awareness around their destination. Strategy and execution is the key and this is where we come in.

You want every marketing dollar spent to matter. We have been working with social media campaigns on most of the WEB 2.0 platforms for years. Let us use our experience to help you spend your advertising dollars effectively and get results.

YouTube and Instagram Video For Your Business

Nowadays there really is no excuse for a company not to be using video for their online marketing. Through the use of a quality cell phone cameras and lots of affordable online resources, there is just no reason your business should not be using this giant marketing opportunity.

  • Video interviews of owners or corporate officers allow you to build trust and rapport with online consumers
  • Simple recordings of machinery in operation or a step by step process of your system can engage consumer in 30 second clips, the way that text alone can have difficulty accomplishing
  • A certain percentage of consumers prefer watching videos to learn more about companies. These consumers will seek out brands that provide this alternative medium
  • Video can be passive and requires less effort on the part of the consumer

Over the years, consumers expectations of quality has lowered in exchange for more variety. Few people expect a small businesses to produce a high budget production and instead are satisfied with a quality 90 second recording. Even contrary to the old way of thinking, some consumers might see a slick video as a signal that you are expensive or not local.

YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo and so many other online platforms encourage businesses to upload video and the algorithms favor this media since that is what their audiences want.

Organic & Paid Tactics

Like so many other online platforms, there are always going to be paid and non-paid ways of utilizing Web 2.0 websites. There is a time and a place for both. Just always keep in mind, as a platform increases in number of members, the more that their be trying to monetize the audience.

This does not mean that organic campaigns are not worthwhile. If you have the right strategy and are able to balance between brand and sales, you can find a very large impact from both.

We recommend a strategic approach because boosting everything is not a solution while some posts will never get the reach you would hope for just by sharing.

Become an Active Member of these online Communities

In the beginning of this online revolution, a company could just post anything and have it be seen by the multitudes. Nowadays, there is so much competition from other companies, influencers, affiliate marketers, friends and neighbors. Not to mention that business related profiles are sometimes intentionally reduced in their ability to have their posts seen. It has become necessary to run paid advertising and/or become a very active member of these communities.

The benefits of doing so are tremendous all around and you will be seen if you are managing your account accordingly.

Organic Facebook Results

facebook organic results

I recently ran a test for a page I manage to determine the reach for organic on few completely organic posts within a 28 day period. There were no paid ads run on this account.

Which Social Media is right for my Industry?

The way you talk about a particular topic can vary from each account. The community on Reddit will react very differently than Twitter if you are putting up a purely promotional post. Automated systems for multiple posting are becoming less of a recommendation these days.

To get the most out of social media, you need to be an active member of the community. For your business to get known and for others to promote you, you need to engage. When you post, you want to reach out to others in your niche. You want to encourage your clients to share your business and get them to start dialogues.

Doing research research and spending time on the different platforms, this is the best way to find out which ones are best for your business. Below are some insights that I think may be helpful to start though.

Facebook for Business

Facebook is one of the all around solid choices for promoting your business. Since it is the largest social media platform, it pretty much covers you whether you are Food Blog, B2B, B2C, national or local. It is hard to go wrong with this being one of your choices.

Google My Business Listing

Google my Business is a no-brainer for business. The community is not nearly as active as it’s shear size mainly because most people never fully embraced the concept. Since everyone who has a Gmail account is automatically a member, you have a wide array of people who are a target audience. I personally find the best time spent here is improving the Google listing for your business.

Twitter for Business

I’m going to get in trouble for this one. Twitter is like the siren song that attracts so many but they spin their wheels. Even Twitter itself has trouble figuring out how to make money. It can be useful for businesses to push out special offers and those that depend on announcements. Bands that want to keep fans up to date, celebrities and even restaurants. I you have a winning solution, I’d be happy to post your ideas.

LinkedIn for Small Business

This social media platform was made for businesses. If you are B2B in any form, you would do well spending time here. It is mostly used as an online resume but there are many groups that specialize in niche topics. You’ll find salespeople get more use out of it, but a well done profile is worth the effort.

Instagram for Business

Instagram has gained a lot of traction over the last few years. It is a great way for a business to build brand awareness. It is a lot less complicated than Facebook to use and since it is so image focused, millennial’s and others prefer to use it to keep up since they can absorb information and run through it at such a fast rate. It is great for a company looking to have a national presence on a budget. Just know, it takes a commitment to your audience and Instagram makes it less desktop friendly and really caters to tablets and cell phones.

Pinterest for Business

Another strong social media outlet, Pinterest is an easy to use platform based on the idea that people are pinning photos to boards. What it has evolved into the worlds biggest window shopping mall in the world. Based on peoples preferences or search, Pinterest provides almost a never ending funnel of imagery from individuals, professional bloggers, retailers and manufacturers. Almost any business out there should at least set up an account and post a few photos.

Other Benefits of Social Media

There are literally hundreds and to some extent thousands of social media platforms online where you can promote your business. Social media accounts set up for your business can have a cumulative effect on building your SEO strength by establishing a stronger online presence. They are one of the easier wins for internet marketing.

This is not to say by setting up 25 different social media profiles, you will conquer the web. As always, it is just one more opportunity to make an impact. Multiple social media platforms allow for you to show the search engines you are serious about your online strategy. There is a lot of opportunity to optimize these profiles as well.

  • Most profiles allow you to create a link to your website.
  • They allow you to add a description of your business
  • You can usually add an address
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You should also think in terms of these social media platforms as a community. Whether you like social media or not, know that there are lots of potential clients out there that have there select few that they read and follow. Many times this is where they will go when looking for a product or service because they trust the platform and the community.

What you as a small business owner needs to consider is where do you spend time maintaining these platforms. Updating your multiple social media accounts can be very easy. If you have one message that you want to go out to all of them and you want to do this regularly, there are solutions such as ITTT. It takes a little bit of time to set up but will allow you to post once and it will propagate that message out to all accounts you have set up. This is a very common tool that is used n the industry.